SMITA Global was incorporated with a mission to assist companies to trade internationally as the world has now transformed into a borderless market with so many Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) being signed, trade barriers being lifted, procedures being harmonised and many new markets being discovered.
SMITA is an international trade organisation providing a strong platform and professional advice and guidance to entrepreneurs who are either thinking of going into international business or who are already doing business internationally, be it in manufacturing, services or trading.
SMITA works closely with local government ministries and agencies and its partners around the world to promote international trade.
Year 2020 was certainly a very challenging year with the World Health Organisation (WHO) declaring Covid-19 a global pandemic on March 2020. The coronavirus pandemic has reached almost every country in the world and has affected many country’s economies badly. Despite the development of new vaccines, many are still wondering what recovery could look like.
The travel industry has been badly damaged, with airlines cutting flights and customers cancelling business trips and holidays. New variants of the virus - discovered only in recent months - have forced many countries to introduce tighter travel restrictions.
Retail business suffers as shoppers stay at home. Nevertheless, this change in shopping behaviour has significantly boosted online retail, with a global revenue of US$3.9 trillion in 2020. While some business suffers, pharmaceutical companies are among the winners with governments around the world pledging billions of dollars for Covid-19 vaccines and treatment options.
SMITA was closely monitoring the situation and quickly embarked on digital transformation process to assist companies to continue to do business with other countries despite the restrictions to travel. Before the pandemic, many companies were still comfortable with domestic markets and reluctant to move out from their comfort zone. But they started to change and have moved on and adapted to the new normal in doing business with meetings conducted online, business matchings done virtually, and many have started to promote their products through e-commerce platforms. ​
​SMITA is a partner to Standards Malaysia, a government agency and accreditation body that oversees the accreditation of over 6000 standards in the country. SMITA also has strong relationships with other local and foreign government agencies which are related to international trade to promote bilateral trade.
​Since its incorporation, SMITA has established international collaborations in Mexico, Colombia, Peru and Chile to benefit from the market of Pacific Alliance countries and also China, United Kingdom, Argentina, Thailand, Vietnam, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.
​In recognition of the problems faced by companies in exporting, SMITA has developed 4 pillars to support businesses for international expansion. Among them, SMITA has launched SMITA Business Academy in 2019. SMITA Business Academy is the training arm of SMITA Global that provides trainings and solutions to bridge the skill gaps in international business. Our courses cover essential topics and skills for international business expansion such as Effective Business Matching Skills, Export Readiness, Business Pitching, International Business Culture etc.
​SMITA has also set up SMITA MarketPlace to assist companies to export their products and services with ease, and at the same time facilitate them to source for raw materials for their products and also business partners from different countries.
SMITA Consulting offers Business Growth Consulting and advisory to grow companies internationally; whilst SMITA Capital aims to facilitate and provide financing for such needs.
​SMITA pledges to do its utmost best to assist companies of all sizes to venture successfully into the international market.
​If you are in line with our mission and objectives, I would certainly urge you to join SMITA and work with us to expand your business globally.
Best regards,
Megane S.C. Soo
SMITA Global